Interface ODSChartsThemeOptions

ODSChartsThemeOptions is used to set options of the theme ODSCharts.getThemeManager( ODSChartsThemeOptions).

interface ODSChartsThemeOptions {
    colors?: ODSChartsColorsSet | ODSChartsCustomColor[];
    cssSelector?: string;
    cssTheme?: ODSChartsCSSThemeDefinition;
    lineStyle?: ODSChartsLineStyle;
    mode?: ODSChartsMode;
    visualMapColor?: ODSChartsColorsSet;


colors is the set of colors to be used to graph the chart.

It can be

example: ODSCharts.ODSChartsColorsSet.SUPPORTING_COLORS.


colorIndex: 2,
colorIndex: 0,

Default colors is ODSChartsColorsSet.DEFAULT

cssSelector?: string

cssSelector the selector of the DOM element where the graph will be built. It is used to get css variable values when using a third party theme generator base on css variable like Boosted 5.

Default cssSelector is 'body'

cssTheme is the CSS styles to be used for designing legends and popover elements.

Default cssTheme in ODSChartsCSSThemes is ODSChartsCSSThemes.NONE

lineStyle?: ODSChartsLineStyle

lineStyle specifies the style of line in lineCharts.

It can be ODSChartsLineStyle.BROKEN, ODSChartsLineStyle.SMOOTH of ODSChartsLineStyle.BROKEN_WITH_POINTS.

Default lineStyle is ODSChartsLineStyle.SMOOTH

The mode of the theme can be ODSChartsMode.DEFAULT, ODSChartsMode.LIGHT or ODSChartsMode.DARK.

Default mode is ODSChartsMode.DEFAULT. The ODSChartsMode.DEFAULT mode uses the data-bs-theme attribute to determine if mode is light or dark (cf

visualMapColor?: ODSChartsColorsSet

visualMapColor is the set of colors to be used if map graphs (like Heatmap)

Default visualMapColor is ODSChartsColorsSet.SEQUENTIAL_BLUE