ODSChartsColorsSet is used for predefined color sets.
Default and Categorical color sets are defined so all the colors are accessible against white/dark background and distinguishable for most color-blind people. These sets are not accessible from a monochromacy point of view.
If you use our sequential sets, please consider using one color out of two if possible for a greater contrast (for example 0-2-4).
DEFAULT is the default color set for up to 12 different colors, selected to favor contrasts.
CATEGORICAL is a color set, build for up to 12 different colors, defined by the Orange Design System to display data visualization categories.
FUNCTIONAL is the color set embedding the orange that should be used a functional gray and all the functional colors.
SUPPORTING_COLORS is the color set embedding all the supporting colors. Colors don't change between light and dark mode.
DARKER_TINTS is the color set embedding all the darker tints of the supporting colors in light mode (lighter in dark mode).
LIGHTER_TINTS is the color set embedding all the lighter tints of the supporting colors in light mode (darker in dark mode).
SEQUENTIAL_BLUE is the color set embedding all the Orange Design System blue colors.
SEQUENTIAL_GREEN is the color set embedding all the Orange Design System green colors.
SEQUENTIAL_PINK is the color set embedding all the Orange Design System pink colors.
SEQUENTIAL_PURPLE is the color set embedding all the Orange Design System purple colors.
SEQUENTIAL_YELLOW is the color set embedding all the Orange Design System yellow colors.
ODSChartsColorsSet is used for predefined color sets.
Default and Categorical color sets are defined so all the colors are
against white/dark background and distinguishable for most color-blind people. These sets are not accessible from a monochromacy point of view.If you use our
sets, please consider using one color out of two if possible for a greater contrast (for example 0-2-4).