Class ODSChartsPopoverConfig

Configuration of the externalizePopover feature ODSChartsTheme.externalizePopover.



define the type of pointer ODSChartsPopoverAxisPointer

Default is no pointer ODSChartsPopoverAxisPointer.none

enabled?: boolean

determine if popover or tooltip are enabled

shared?: boolean
  • true if a tooltip/popover should display values of all the series.
  • false if a tooltip/popover should display only the value of the current point.

Default value is false

If you use axisPointer, value is forced to true

tooltip?: boolean
  • true: to display tooltip
  • false: to display popover
tooltipDelay?: number

tooltipDelay is used to add a delay before moving tooltip with the mouse movement.

The default value is retrieved from ODSChartsPopoverDefinition if set and otherwise is 0

tooltipTimeout?: number

tooltipTimeout is used to set the timeout in milliseconds of the tooltip display.

default value is 3000

define how the tooltip should be triggered ODSChartsPopoverTooltipTrigger

In case of axisPointer ODSChartsPopoverAxisPointer.cross, tooltipTrigger must be ODSChartsPopoverTooltipTrigger.grid

Otherwise, the default value of tooltipTrigger will be